Dev Bahadur Dongol
Saying concisely on: Power crisis an Climate change
== Scrolling down previous posts you will find the explanations of the following statements no
1. ‘Running Turbines In Series’ As The Solution To Power Crisis.
Maintaining uniformity and continuity of running water column is possible even after installing turbines in series by making water pathway through the turbines also uniform. Running turbines does not change the flow of water, so turbines don’t decrease the power of running water. This way we can harness unlimited hydropower theoretically, if it were possible to fit a turbine at every section; that is not possible practically. Practically we can tap power as many times as the number of turbines are possible to fit in series along the same penstock pipe (between the intake and discharge points). So we are tapping only minimum hydropower at present from a given single penstock pipe by applying property of standing still water column; whereas many times more hydropower, if not unlimited, are possible by applying the property of running water column as is the condition in the hydropower installation. Series installation of the turbines will also require modifying the shape of the blades of the turbines so that they exactly fit the pathways of the uniformly running water column.
2. Climate Change : solution to CC requires development of water supply system so that every nook and corner of the land surface can be kept always moist and continuously recharge ground water as happens naturally. Plants also use up ground water by transpiration. ==
That means we can reverse the present climate change. In other words, we can control the climate the way we want just by determining the areas of earth's land surface to keep dry or moist. Drier the land surface areas the warmer is the climate and less frequent rain cycle. And, moist the larger area of land surface the cooler is the climate and more frequent rain cycle.
1. GLOBAL warming due to gases is impossible. They are helping the earth to cool down by convection method of heat transmission.
2. Gases can’t form a green house.
3. No ‘green house effect’ due to gases. So ‘green house gas’ does not exist.
4. Our climatic atmosphere, troposphere is a homogenous mixture of gases, not layered. If it were layered, CO2, the heaviest gas would be at the bottom of the atmosphere not on top.
5. Every matter radiates absorbed heat back as IR not only by CO2 or methane.
6. We are draining water to sea by creating drier land surface by covering soil surface and reducing evaporation system vital for ‘rain cycle’ and blocking ‘ground water recharge system’.
7. ‘Rain Cycle’, nature’s cooling system, regulates earth’s surface temperature.
8. Moisture contents on land surface regulate rain cycle. Moist, the cooler and drier, the warmer. ==
9. Ozone does not absorb ‘UV heat’ but releases ‘UV heat’ absorbed by oxygen (O2). UV heat converts oxygen into unstable ozone.
10. Ozone depletion before the extinction of human race is impossible. Temporary fluctuation is due to millions of jet flights every day. They consume incalculable amount of oxygen from the stratosphere which is basically oxygen, though we say Ozonosphere (wrong name).
This is nice informative blog. The election impact on nuclear energy can positive but nothing can be said about these things. Thanks for sharing this and keep sharing.
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