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Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal
(A voluntarily retired Associate Professor of science education)
Tribhuvan University,
Kathmandu, Nepal.
This paper has two parts:
1. The first part ‘Correcting Climate Change’ explains the solution to the climate change and global warming – a new explanation as a discovery.
2. The second part ‘Harnessing Unlimited Hydropower’ explains a new way to install turbines – a new explanation as a discovery.
NEVER AGAIN: Solutions to climate change and power crisis have many implications. After the implementations of these two new explanations our world will never have to face again Famine, Drought, Global Warming, Climate Change, Power Crisis, and the phenomena related to water. Nobody will be HUNGRY. We will be saving the fossil fuels for a very long future. Let us simply develop network of water delivery system so that no surface of the earth is dry.
I. The themes of this paper were published as follows in the local papers:
a. The Rising Nepal:
1. New ways to harness hydropower. March 14, 2009
2. Overturning global warming. June 25, 2009
3. Don’t Blame Gases For Green House Effect (September 24, 2009)
b. Gorakhapatra (in Nepali language)
1. Dherai Sastoma Jalbidyut : June 06, 2009 (Jestha 23, 2066)
(Hydropower in a very cheap way). This article has described the turbine installation system in series. See part II.) (Translated as ‘Turbine Don’t Decrease Power Of Running Water’ - see in the blogspot)
II. Presentations and discussions (unofficial) dates not recorded
1. Kaanti-Iswori Rajya Laxmi Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Pyaphal Tole, Kathmandu.
(30 June, 2009)
2. Technical and Skill Development Center for Blind and Disabled, Nagaun, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal. (22 June, 2009)
3. Nepal Electricity Board - March, 2009, date not noted
PREFACE (continued)
4. Physical Society Of University Physics Teachers, Trichandra Campus, Kathmandu Nepal.
5. Central Department of Physics, Tribhuvan Univeristy, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal.
6. Students of the Central Department of Physics, Tribhuvan Univeristy, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal. (Three times).
7. Nepal Adarsha Secondary School, Gana Bahal, Kathmandu. Nepal. O7 Feb. 2010
8. Kadambari College, Shankhamul, Kathmandu, Nepal 09 Feb. 2010
9. SMART club Kamaladi - date not noted
10. Russian center for science and culture, Kamalpokhari. 20 January 2010
III. At the foot of Dharahara, Sundhara, Kathmandu, Nepal: since 1st. December 2009 - daily
Every day 10 a.m. to 12 Noon and in the evening since 21st. April, 2010– for general public.
IV. Submitted in written for presentation to Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal. (Not yet received any response from the office) 10th March 1, 2010
V. Pasted on
VI. Pasted on as user names asthaone, asthatwo,……asthatwenty and indrdev2004 (altogether 21 user names).
VII. Sent to all the offices of green peace around the world by email.
VIII. Blog:
VIV. Google search: dev bahadur dongol
VV. Email:
VVI. Mailing address: Dev Bahadur Dongol
Teku, Shahid Shukra Galli, House Number 24, Wad Number 12, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Residence: 01 4 25 30 45 Mobile: 9841 647 393
1. Green House Effect By Gases Is Impossible
a. Green House
b. Methods of heat transmission – Conduction, Convection and Radiation
c. Rain Cycle
d. Physical properties of our immediate atmosphere
e. Conclusion.
2. Global Warming And Climate Change
A.Natural Cooling Mechanisms
a. The Air Current
b. Rain Cycle
c. Hurricanes or tornadoes or cyclones
d. Pollutants
B. After winning the fight against ‘global warming and climate change’ We want
C. Causes/ Reasons for Global Warming And Climate Change
D. Solutions
E. Conclusion
1. Pressure Effect Through Out The Running Water Column Is Uniform
2. Turbines (installed in stream) Don’t Decrease Power Of Running Water
3. Harnessing Unlimited Hydropower
4. Implications
Part I
Upon looking scientifically into the nature of gases as fluids, green house formation, methods of heat transmission and physical properties of our immediate atmosphere it is not possible for any gas to form a ‘green house’. Therefore it is quite logical to conclude that it is not the ‘green house effect’ of any gas that is causing global warming and climate change at all. Heated objects remain hot without cooling system.
Rain means colder and cleaner atmosphere, recharging ground water, spreading water all over the world, making easy access of drinking water, help proper irrigation and rich vegetation, add snow on poles and mountains thus lower sea water level eventually. They are all and only our concerned aspects by climate change. Simple logic: take water back to the places where it came from. Thus we can attribute to the reduced frequency of rain cycle for global warming and climate change. Obviously increasing frequency of rain pattern through out the year will definitely maintain temperature of our atmosphere at lowest level as well. But man has disturbed very effective natural mechanism of climate regulation system - the rain cycle. Man drastically reduced the vital evaporation system necessary for rain cycle by 1. Human settlement mainly; Urbanization; 2. Deforestation and 3. Creating Deserted Lands And Deserts. So called green house gases have nothing to do with the phenomenon of evaporation.
Boosting evaporation of water from the surface of the Earth as widely as possible, from every inch of the earth surface, will set us free from the worry of the ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change’ for good.
1. Green House Effect by Gases Is Impossible
a. Green House - It is a space covered by solid transparent glass or plastic. Heat entered is trapped inside. Air inside cannot move in and out of the transparent walls. So temperature inside is kept much warmer than outside the glass walls. Heat is transmitted to outside atmosphere by only conduction method when temperature outside is less than inside of the green house. So during the night inside of the green house also gets cold.
b. Methods of heat transmission - Heat travels only from higher temperature to lower temperature front by three methods. They are radiation, conduction and convection.
1. Radiation
It is a method when heat energy jumps or travel in all directions without any medium from the source and is absorbed by any object that is on the way. It is like throwing many objects and others catch some of them. This is the method how we get heat from the Sun.
2. Conduction
This is the process when heat is passed on from one molecule to another adjacent molecule. This happens when we heat a solid substance that is a good conductor of heat e.g. a metal. It is like passing an object from one end to another end by standing many people in a queue.
3. Convection
This process of heat transmission happens when fluids, gases and liquids, are heated. They have freely moving molecules, so when heated they move in the upward direction. They release heat when they reach cold front. They come down again when they become cold. This process of moving molecules up and down goes on repeatedly while the fluids are being heated. This process is something like we picking up goods from the shops and deliver them at homes repeatedly. This method of heat transmission occurs in our atmosphere also as convection current. The air expands and become lighter when heated. The hot air goes up and release heat in the upper zone of the atmosphere where it is cold. So gas in the atmosphere is helping the earth to cool down. Heat from the upper colder zone of the atmosphere can not return back to the earth as heat doesn’t travel from colder zone to hotter zone.
c. Rain Cycle:
The sun heats the earth. Land area gets heated very hot quickly but not sea, pond, lakes or river water. Water has highest heat holding capacity. It requires huge quantity of heat for heating large body of water. The sun can evaporate water of the moist earth’s surface very quickly. The vapor releases heat high up in the cold front of the atmosphere and becomes water drops and come down as rain. The cold water again can absorb heat from the earth surface.
The frequency of rain cycle through out a year is reduced too much nowadays. Thus, obviously we are facing global warming. Instead of frequent rain through out the year we have rains during hottest time of the year only. Frequency of rain is almost only once a year.
Evaporation of water from sea, running water and lakes or ponds is not hot enough to go up to the height where it can form water drops after losing heat it has absorbed but is only contributing to raise humidity of the immediate air. As sea breeze when water vapours from the sea reaches above the heated surfaces of the earth they are raised up as convection current to the height where they can form water drops and fall down as rain
The vapor from the wet surfaces of the earth can take very large quantity of heat up in the sky. Probably it is the very best natural cooling process. So the rain cycle transfers very large quantity of heat from the earth to the space high up. It is this reason why we feel cold immediately when it rains.
d. Physical properties of our immediate atmosphere
Air we breathe in and out is a homogenous mixture. There is no separate layer for separate gas. Had the air been layered according to gases, our immediate layer of gas would be carbon dioxide not oxygen. Carbon dioxide is the heaviest gas in the air. We need oxygen to breathe and be alive. The up and down moving air molecules as convection current cannot make a shield as solid glass or plastic make wall of a green house. Higher we go colder is our immediate atmosphere.
e. Conclusion.
So upon looking scientifically into the nature of gases as fluids, green house formation, methods of heat transmission and physical properties of our immediate atmosphere it is not possible for any gas to form a ‘green house’. Therefore, it is quite logical to conclude that it is not the ‘green house effect’ of any gas that is causing global warming and climate change at all.
(Had the Earth been in a green house for 4 billion years, would it be possible to appear living beings on this Earth? Ha ha ha !!!)
2. Causes of Global Warming and Climate Change
Then what is causing the global warming and climate change? Obviously we need answer to this question and solve the terrifying problem. We know there are many agents that are heating our Earth and our immediate surroundings, the troposphere. They are mainly the Sun and our burning activities on the surface of the Earth. Heated objects remain hot without cooling system. Heat released as hot air is cooled down naturally by convection method of heat transmission. But man has disturbed main and effective process used by the nature for cooling the surface of the Earth, land and water that absorb so much of heat from the Sun. So let us see the natural mechanisms that help to cool down the Earth surface.
A. Natural Cooling Mechanisms
There are at least 4 (four) natural mechanisms that help to cool down the surface of the Earth. They are air current, rain cycle, hurricanes (or cyclones or tornadoes) and pollutants.
a. The Air Current
The convection method of heat transmission is going on all the time non-stop. Human activities have no control over it. Heated surface of the Earth heats the air near by. Heated air molecules go up as they become lighter and release heat when they reach cold front high up. Cold molecules come down as they become heavier. This convection current is working day and night, if it had not been so our surrounding would have been already hot enough, if not more, to boil water. So gases are actually helping to cool off the heated surface of the Earth by convection method.
b. Rain Cycle
Obviously nature has another more effective cooling mechanism as well, the rain cycle. Water has highest heat absorbing capacity, much higher than that of air or any gas, so rain cycle is more effective than air current to cool down Earth surface. We know it is cool when it rains. The rain cycle also works as convection current. We know frequency of rain pattern is changing, or rather reduced very much and because of this we can claim that our surroundings are becoming hotter year-by-year.
c. Hurricanes
Thirdly, when the rain cycle is disrupted and Earth’s surface becomes very hot, as nowadays we have to face hurricanes, which bring torrential rains and floods. This system of cooling by nature may be considered as the emergency measures to keep earth’s surface cool. This is the way we are having rains nowadays, but this also may not be for very long.
d. Pollutants
Pollutants, gases and air all absorb heat from the sun before it reaches the Earth. So, cloudy, misty, foggy, murky, smoggy, or hazy days are colder than bright days. So they are also helping the earth to cool down. Heat holding nature of all matters (including CO2, mistakenly referred to as a green house gas) is a different phenomenon; it is not green house effect and can’t cause climate change or global warming.
B. After winning the fight against ‘global warming and climate change’ we want:
1. Colder surrounding or reduced global warming,
2. Frequent regular rain pattern as in the old comfortable weather,
3. Convenient water resources thus rich vegetation, easy irrigation and drinking water,
4. Add ice on poles and mountains,
5. Recharge ground water, and
6. Eventually lower sea level rise.
C. Causes / Reasons for global warming and climate change
Though all the cooling systems (A. Natural Cooling Mechanisms) of the Nature are going on, the frequency of rain pattern has been reduced greatly. We can claim that frequency is almost only once a year. Rain means colder and cleaner atmosphere, recharging ground water, spreading water all over the world, making easy access of drinking water, help proper irrigation and rich vegetation, add snow on poles and mountains thus lower sea water level eventually. They are all and only our concerned aspects by climate change. Simple logic: take water back to the places where it came from. Thus we can attribute to the reduced frequency of rain cycle for global warming and climate change. It seems the rain-cycle is the key climate regulator in nature. Obviously increasing frequency of rain pattern through out the year will definitely maintain temperature of our atmosphere at lowest level. But man has disturbed very effective natural mechanism of climate regulation system - the rain cycle. The rain cycle needs evaporation from the surfaces of the earth mainly. So called green house gases have nothing to do with the phenomenon of evaporation. Evaporation from the surfaces of the earth is reduced very seriously. The causes are:
1. Human settlement mainly Urbanization- drainage systems, pavements, houses, and roads etc all have stopped evaporation from soil.
2. Deforestation- Reduced consistent evaporation drastically by drying soil very quickly.
3. Creating Deserted Lands And Deserts- there is no evaporation at all from those very vast stretches of lands.
Collectively they have reduced the evaporation of water from the surfaces of the earth and have become very significant now. But the ‘Rain Cycle” primarily needs lot of evaporation of water mainly from the surfaces of the Earth. Water can absorb highest amount of heat or it has highest heat holding capacity of all the matters. This property is helping to reduce our atmospheric temperature mainly besides other functions of water. Water can deliver highest quantity of heat from hotter zone to colder zone.
D. Solutions
Boosting evaporation by scattering water on the surfaces of the Earth not sparing even the deserted lands and deserts is the only way to increase frequency and spread rain pattern through out the year and thus restore the comfortable climate. Water can be delivered from any higher to lower places. Now it is an easy task for mankind. We can use discharged water from the hydropower installations as well. We can and should develop network of water delivery system to the dry lands and deserts as our must culture. We will have greenery everywhere and not again ‘climate change’ and poverty in our planet.
(This draining system of water can also be used for producing clean energy, hydroelectricity by installing many turbines in series without breaking water column along the same one water-supplying pipe. Installed turbines do not decrease power of running water through out the pipe, because of the fluid properties of water and the nature of the Gravitational Force of the Earth. The Earth is blessed with unlimited hydropower. See Part II).
E. Conclusion
Thus boosting evaporation of water from the surface of the Earth as widely as possible, from every inch of the earth surface, will set us free from the worry of the ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change’ for good. Increasing frequency of rains to spread through out the year will stop global warming, add snow on the mountains and poles; scatter water to widest possible land areas, recharging ground with water will store immense quantity of water back again and thus eventually will lower the sea level as well. We should make spreading of water on the surface of the Earth as our instinct culture.
Part II
Because the pressure effect through out the running water column is uniform (1) and a turbine installed in the stream of running water does not decrease power of running water (2), turbine installed at any point between the intake and discharge points of flowing water column will run with the same efficiency.
So multiple turbines installed in the same water-supplying pipe without breaking the water column of the running water can run all of them with equal efficiency. Thus, it is possible to harness many folds more hydropower than done at present. We will not need additional new projects. We can add many turbines at the existing infrastructures.
Therefore hydropower available to even alone Nepal is unlimited. So our Earth is blessed with unlimited hydropower.
1. Pressure Effect Through Out The Running Water Column Is Uniform
We harness hydropower from water column that is running through a pipe from a desired height to a lower place. The force exerted on fluid at one point in a closed vessel is transmitted in all direction equally. Since both the ends of the water-delivering pipe in hydropower installations are open, the entire water column running inside a uniform pipe due to its weight has only pushing and pulling forces in its flowing direction. It has no lateral pressure, and no laws of buoyancy apply in that flowing condition.
The force to run water from higher to lower places comes from the Earth. It is called Gravitational Force of the Earth. The force is not reduced, no matter how much we use it. Nothing can block it nor change the direction of the force by any means. The force is acting all the time uninterrupted at any given point. The pressure effect is determined by the total weight of the entire water column of the water-delivering pipe. As fluid water column is not broken while it is flowing. Rate of discharged water is uniform at any point between intake and discharge points of the entire water column because, the amount of water going in the pipe through the intake-point and coming out from discharge-point of the water supplying uniform pipe are equal. Greater the height of the water column the higher is the rate of discharged water as the velocity of running water increases with the increase of the height. At any given point pressure due to the weight of the water column acts in two ways; water column above the point behaves as pushing force and below the point behaves as pulling force. Therefore the total weight of the water column is always equal to the entire column of the running water. So pressure effect at any point through out water column that is running in a uniform pipe is uniform. The pressure effect according to the height as in the standing still water column does not apply with the water column that is flowing.
Besides other factors, the power of running water is directly proportional to the quantity of water flowing, greater the quantity of water being discharged the greater is the power of the flowing water as other factors like height, gravitational force, and size of the pipe etc. remain constant after the installation of the structures. Altering the quantity of water is the only way to change the power of running water. So for a given quantity of running water its power is also uniform at any point of the water column running through a uniform pipe. So, as far as water flows constantly, power of water available is also unchanged at any point of the running water column.
2. Turbines (installed in stream) Don’t Decrease Power Of Running Water
We install turbine in the stream of running water to rotate its runner for harnessing hydropower. Turbines are made after we determine the height to run water, quantity of water available to discharge, and thus determine the size of the water-delivering pipe. The turbines are designed to let water pass through by rotating runner with necessary velocity so that quantity of flowing water is not blocked or reduced. Thus water runs with the same velocity as before installing the turbine. Because, turbines are made to let water pass through as designed and water column of running water is not broken because of the fluid properties, the pressure effect and the power of the flowing water column do not change even after one or more turbines are installed in series along the same pipe without breaking the water column. As far as definite quantity of water is running no factors change even after one or more turbines are installed. The power of running water also remains unchanged or remains constant even after passing through the turbine(s).
3. Harnessing Unlimited Hydropower
Because the pressure effect through out the running water column is uniform (1) and a turbine installed in the stream of uniformly running water column does not reduce the amount of flowing water (2); a turbine installed irrespective of the position between the intake and discharge points of uniformly flowing water column will run at any point with the same efficiency.
So multiple turbines installed in series along the same water-supplying pipe without breaking the column of the running water can run all of them with equal efficiency. Thus, it is possible to harness many folds more hydropower than done at present. We will not need additional new projects. We can add many turbines at the existing infrastructures.
Thus hydropower available to even alone Nepal is unlimited. So our Earth is blessed with unlimited hydropower.
4. Implications
Harnessing hydropower by installing turbines in series will provide us unlimited clean energy. We will not need coal, gas or other forms of fossil fuel and even nuclear fuel to generate electricity. Thus carbon emission also can be reduced far more than people want, very likely within 2 years. Natural fossil fuels will also be available for a very long period of future.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
14 of 24 THE SCENE
When the scientist first introduced the hydropower. I was sitting by the side of the LORD.
HE said: Dev you are going to born on the 10th Jan 1947 and reveal some of the aspects of the hydropower on March14, 2009 after 3 months those points occurs to you. You will be 62 then. So I have to make him forget those aspects (to that so called scientist). Because people will not respect those ideas as is not the problem now. During the decade of 2000 people will say that problem as the ‘global warming’ – no rain, dry land and desert, no water for drinking and irrigation, very hot and warm temperature to live, will not be comfortable for them and will be scared that their existence is at risk. Yes indeed the living world will be at risk if they don’t correct as your suggestions. The living things as they will call then could be wiped of the Earth. You know I would not let that happen. I love them so much. But at the same time they also need to learn and realize the every bit of MY creation. I have made them to take care of one of my creations – the Earth. Only thing they have to remember is how to keep rain-cycle undisturbed or maintained or bring back or restored. You quantity of the water I filled on the Earth will remain constant until the life time of the Earth ”
So He made the scientist to forget by giving too much joy. He thought he had the whole world in his hands. These are the aspects of science he forgot then and afterwards until now.
1. Fluid properties of water. Specially that the water behaves different when standing still in cylindrical pipe and running through a pipe.
2. Characteristics of the gravitational force of the earth. Specially the forces is un limited, always present at a given point, and can’t be blocked as light can be or shielded as magnetic force can be etc it is the only force that is used by the hydropower generation.
3. Discharged water could be used for drinking, irrigation, watering dry land and entertainment etc. this system is so valuable for rain-cycle, the main controlling factor for the global warming.
4. Head height of the water column can be added even connecting after the turbine without discharging water freely as suction head, and behavior of water when it is running as fluid.
5. The turbines can be installed in a series basis. Hydropower installations can be far cheaper than they are going to introduce now.
Wouldn’t believe so you will have to go to the street to explain theories related to fluid properties of water that is applicable to generate hydroelectricity. Earth has unlimited hydropower. People have not yet realized yet.
When the scientist first introduced the hydropower. I was sitting by the side of the LORD.
HE said: Dev you are going to born on the 10th Jan 1947 and reveal some of the aspects of the hydropower on March14, 2009 after 3 months those points occurs to you. You will be 62 then. So I have to make him forget those aspects (to that so called scientist). Because people will not respect those ideas as is not the problem now. During the decade of 2000 people will say that problem as the ‘global warming’ – no rain, dry land and desert, no water for drinking and irrigation, very hot and warm temperature to live, will not be comfortable for them and will be scared that their existence is at risk. Yes indeed the living world will be at risk if they don’t correct as your suggestions. The living things as they will call then could be wiped of the Earth. You know I would not let that happen. I love them so much. But at the same time they also need to learn and realize the every bit of MY creation. I have made them to take care of one of my creations – the Earth. Only thing they have to remember is how to keep rain-cycle undisturbed or maintained or bring back or restored. You quantity of the water I filled on the Earth will remain constant until the life time of the Earth ”
So He made the scientist to forget by giving too much joy. He thought he had the whole world in his hands. These are the aspects of science he forgot then and afterwards until now.
1. Fluid properties of water. Specially that the water behaves different when standing still in cylindrical pipe and running through a pipe.
2. Characteristics of the gravitational force of the earth. Specially the forces is un limited, always present at a given point, and can’t be blocked as light can be or shielded as magnetic force can be etc it is the only force that is used by the hydropower generation.
3. Discharged water could be used for drinking, irrigation, watering dry land and entertainment etc. this system is so valuable for rain-cycle, the main controlling factor for the global warming.
4. Head height of the water column can be added even connecting after the turbine without discharging water freely as suction head, and behavior of water when it is running as fluid.
5. The turbines can be installed in a series basis. Hydropower installations can be far cheaper than they are going to introduce now.
Wouldn’t believe so you will have to go to the street to explain theories related to fluid properties of water that is applicable to generate hydroelectricity. Earth has unlimited hydropower. People have not yet realized yet.
15 of 24 Don’t Blame Gases For global WARMING
Edited version of this article was published in The Rising Nepal on 24th September 2009, Kathmandu, Nepal entitled “Don’t Blame Gases For Green House Effect”.
Saving The Earth From Climate Change
Dr. dev bahadur dongol
Green House Effect By Gases Is Impossible
Man has disrupted the rain cycle by urbanization, desert formation and deforestation. The rain cycle is the second main cooling system of nature. So the warming of our surrounding, what we call the global warming, SEA LEVEL RISE AND OTHER RELATED PHENOMENA are due to the disturbances of the rain cycle caused by man. By understanding the fluid nature of the gases and methods of heat transmission, the green house effect by gases is impossible. Therefore the so-called global warming is not the result of green house effect of the gases. Thus climate change is not the result of global warming but other way round; the global warming is the result of climate change. The correction is possible and probably get the result within two years by war footed global level undertakings. By the efforts for reviving rain cycle will reduce the global temperature, recharge ground water, enrich vegetation, distribute water throughout the year and worldwide, make drinking water available, add snow on the poles and mountains, and thus eventually reduce sea level also.
Methods of heat transmission - Heat travels from higher temperature to lower temperature front. Heat is transmitted by three methods. They are radiation, conduction and convection.
Radiation- it is a method when heat energy jumps or travel in all directions without any medium from the source and is absorbed by any object that is on the way. It is like throwing many objects and others catch some of them. This is the method how we get heat from the Sun.
Conduction – this is the process when heat is passed on from one molecule to another adjacent molecule. This happens when we heat a solid substance that is a good conductor of heat e.g. a metal. It is like passing an object from one end to another end by standing many people in a queue.
Convection- this process of heat transmission happens when fluids, gases and liquids, are heated. They have freely moving molecules, so when heated they move in the upward direction. They release heat when they reach cold front. They come down again when they become cold. This process of moving molecules up and down goes on repeatedly while the fluids are being heated. This process is something like we picking up goods from the shops and deliver them at homes repeatedly.
Green House - It is a space covered by glass. Heat entered is trapped inside. Air inside also cannot move in and out of the glass walls. So temperature inside is kept much warmer than outside the glass walls. Heat is transmitted to outside atmosphere by only conduction method when temperature outside is less than inside of the green house.
Physical properties of our immediate atmosphere - The up and down moving air molecules as convection current cannot make a shield as solid glass makes wall of a green house. Air we breathe in and out is a homogenous mixture. There is no separate layer for separate gas. Had the air been layered according to gases, our immediate layer of gas would be carbon dioxide not oxygen. Carbon dioxide is the heaviest gas in the air. We need oxygen to breathe and be alive.
So by looking scientifically into the nature of gases as fluids it is not possible for any gas of our immediate atmosphere to form a ‘green house’. Therefore it is quite logical to conclude that it is not the ‘green house effect’ of any gas that is causing global warming and climate change.
Causes - Then what is causing the global warming and climate change? Obviously we need answer to this question and solve the terrifying problem. We know there are many agents that are heating our Earth and our immediate surroundings, the troposphere. They are mainly the Sun and our burning activities on the surface of the Earth. Heated objects remain hot without cooling system. Heat released as hot air is cooled down naturally by convection method of heat transmission. But man has disturbed main and effective process used by the nature for cooling the surface of the Earth, land and water that absorb so much of heat from the Sun. So let us see the natural mechanisms that help to cool down the Earth surface.
Natural Cooling Mechanisms - There are at least 3 (three) natural mechanisms that help to cool down the surface of the Earth. They are air current, rain cycle and hurricanes (or cyclones or tornadoes).
The Air Current – the third method of heat transmission, the convection method, is going on all the time non-stop. Human activities have no control over it. Heated surface of the Earth heats the air near by. Heated air molecules go up as they become lighter and release heat when they reach cold front high up. Cold molecules come down as they become heavier. This convection current is working day and night, if it had not been so our surrounding would have been already hot enough, if not more, to boil water. So gases are actually helping to cool off the heated surface of the Earth by convection method.
RAIN CYCLE - Obviously nature has another more effective mechanism as well, the rain cycle. Water has highest heat absorbing capacity, much higher than that of air or any gas, so rain cycle is more effective than air current to cool down Earth surface. We know it is cool when it rains. The rain cycle also works as convection current. We know rain pattern is changing and our surroundings are becoming hotter year-by-year.
After winning the fight against ‘global warming and climate change’ we want 1. Colder surrounding, 2.regular rain pattern as in the old comfortable weather, 3. Convenient water resources thus rich vegetation, easy irrigation and drinking water, 4 add ice on poles and mountains, 5. Recharge ground water and 6. Eventually lower sea level rise.
All those factors are related to only one phenomenon- the rain cycle. Thus reviving ‘rain cycle’ in a regular pattern near to old comfortable weather is the one and only solution to win the fight against the ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change’. Unfortunately we have disrupted the rain cycle too much by urbanization and deforestation because of the population growth. The ‘rain cycle needs lot of evaporation of water. As water vapor molecules go up, release heat they have absorbed from the surface of the Earth, become cold and condense as water droplets and come down as rain. Unfortunately, we have too much blocked evaporation process of water from the surface of the Earth by covering it with houses, roads, pavements etc. Deforestation caused land area drier and drier. Recharging of ground water is minimized as water used by people is also drained and added to sea. Much of rainwater is also drained to the sea. Recharging soil by rainwater is also reduced significantly. Evaporation of water from the surface of the Earth is reduced too much. Evaporation of water needs soils always wet and exposed to air so that it is evaporated as soon as the Sun heats the soil. Scattering of water on almost all the surface of the earth including vast area of deserts is necessary, like before the urbanization era, for enough evaporation so that rain cycle is not disrupted. Rain pattern is concentrated only in a short period of time of the year nowadays because we have blocked the evaporation system of nature. Enhancement of evaporation of water from the much wider surface of the Earth will naturally lower its temperature and boost rains, which will further lower the temperature of the Earth surface. Scattering of water on the surface of water must be made a culture of human beings using water resources as much as possible, not sparing even deserts. This is not a difficult task for the present capabilities of mankind. We have now infrastructures as well as technology to fulfill this task easily. Main source can be discharged water from the hydropower installations, which discharge immense quantity (I do not think that any body has calculated) of water every second. We can spread water by draining it from any higher places to lower land. This draining system of water can also be used for producing clean energy, hydroelectricity by installing hydropower stations in series along the same one water-supplying pipe. Installed turbines do not decrease power of running water through out the pipe while water is flowing, because of the fluid properties of water and the nature of the Gravitational Force of the Earth. The Earth is blessed with unlimited hydropower.
Hurricanes - Thirdly, when the rain cycle is disrupted and Earth’s surface becomes very hot, as nowadays we have to face hurricanes, which bring torrential rains and floods. This system of cooling by nature may be considered as the emergency measures to keep earth’s surface cool. This is the way we are having rains nowadays, but this also may not be for very long.
Conclusion - Thus boosting of evaporation of water from the surface of the Earth as widely as possible, from every inch of the earth surface, will set us free from the worry of the ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change’ for good. Rains will add snow on the mountains. Recharging of ground with water will store immense quantity of water back again. Both the phenomena will eventually lower the sea level. We should make spreading of water on the surface of the Earth as our instinct culture.
Explaining –“Turbines Do Not Decrease The Power Of The Running Water”
Turbines are designed to discharge the same quantity of water as is flowing through the water-supplying pipe. Because of the fluid properties of water and the nature of the gravitational force of the Earth, the running water throughout the given pipe has water pressure, rate of discharged water and the velocity of water etc constant. So the power available is also uniform throughout the pipe while water is running. Therefore, a turbine installed at any point between the intake and the outlet points of the pipe does not affect its efficiency or decrease its efficiency. Because the turbines are designed to discharge the same quantity of water as is discharged throughout the pipe, the turbine makes no changes in the rate of discharged water. So the other factors like velocity, pressure of water in the pipe are also not changed. Since there is no difference in those factors before and after the installation of a turbine means a number of more turbines can be installed in series along the same water-supplying pipe without decreasing their efficiency, as they make no changes in the available power of running water. Given the topography or landscape is favorable multiple turbines can be installed in between the intake and outlet of the same water supplying pipe without decreasing their efficiency. They do not make any reduction of power of the running water through out the given pipe while water is running. They are designed to discharge the same quantity of water as is running through the given pipe. So the same (existing as well) infrastructure of water supplying-pipe can run many more turbines in series making hydroelectricity far cheaper, easier, and faster than at present. This system of installation would not require hydro dams at all. Only run off type will do. So the intake point for water can be at the source where we can tap very clean water at the highest possible point as well as adding power of running water to the possible maximum level.
Dr. dev bahadur dongol Email: or
Saving The Earth From Climate Change
Dr. dev bahadur dongol
Green House Effect By Gases Is Impossible
Man has disrupted the rain cycle by urbanization, desert formation and deforestation. The rain cycle is the second main cooling system of nature. So the warming of our surrounding, what we call the global warming, SEA LEVEL RISE AND OTHER RELATED PHENOMENA are due to the disturbances of the rain cycle caused by man. By understanding the fluid nature of the gases and methods of heat transmission, the green house effect by gases is impossible. Therefore the so-called global warming is not the result of green house effect of the gases. Thus climate change is not the result of global warming but other way round; the global warming is the result of climate change. The correction is possible and probably get the result within two years by war footed global level undertakings. By the efforts for reviving rain cycle will reduce the global temperature, recharge ground water, enrich vegetation, distribute water throughout the year and worldwide, make drinking water available, add snow on the poles and mountains, and thus eventually reduce sea level also.
Methods of heat transmission - Heat travels from higher temperature to lower temperature front. Heat is transmitted by three methods. They are radiation, conduction and convection.
Radiation- it is a method when heat energy jumps or travel in all directions without any medium from the source and is absorbed by any object that is on the way. It is like throwing many objects and others catch some of them. This is the method how we get heat from the Sun.
Conduction – this is the process when heat is passed on from one molecule to another adjacent molecule. This happens when we heat a solid substance that is a good conductor of heat e.g. a metal. It is like passing an object from one end to another end by standing many people in a queue.
Convection- this process of heat transmission happens when fluids, gases and liquids, are heated. They have freely moving molecules, so when heated they move in the upward direction. They release heat when they reach cold front. They come down again when they become cold. This process of moving molecules up and down goes on repeatedly while the fluids are being heated. This process is something like we picking up goods from the shops and deliver them at homes repeatedly.
Green House - It is a space covered by glass. Heat entered is trapped inside. Air inside also cannot move in and out of the glass walls. So temperature inside is kept much warmer than outside the glass walls. Heat is transmitted to outside atmosphere by only conduction method when temperature outside is less than inside of the green house.
Physical properties of our immediate atmosphere - The up and down moving air molecules as convection current cannot make a shield as solid glass makes wall of a green house. Air we breathe in and out is a homogenous mixture. There is no separate layer for separate gas. Had the air been layered according to gases, our immediate layer of gas would be carbon dioxide not oxygen. Carbon dioxide is the heaviest gas in the air. We need oxygen to breathe and be alive.
So by looking scientifically into the nature of gases as fluids it is not possible for any gas of our immediate atmosphere to form a ‘green house’. Therefore it is quite logical to conclude that it is not the ‘green house effect’ of any gas that is causing global warming and climate change.
Causes - Then what is causing the global warming and climate change? Obviously we need answer to this question and solve the terrifying problem. We know there are many agents that are heating our Earth and our immediate surroundings, the troposphere. They are mainly the Sun and our burning activities on the surface of the Earth. Heated objects remain hot without cooling system. Heat released as hot air is cooled down naturally by convection method of heat transmission. But man has disturbed main and effective process used by the nature for cooling the surface of the Earth, land and water that absorb so much of heat from the Sun. So let us see the natural mechanisms that help to cool down the Earth surface.
Natural Cooling Mechanisms - There are at least 3 (three) natural mechanisms that help to cool down the surface of the Earth. They are air current, rain cycle and hurricanes (or cyclones or tornadoes).
The Air Current – the third method of heat transmission, the convection method, is going on all the time non-stop. Human activities have no control over it. Heated surface of the Earth heats the air near by. Heated air molecules go up as they become lighter and release heat when they reach cold front high up. Cold molecules come down as they become heavier. This convection current is working day and night, if it had not been so our surrounding would have been already hot enough, if not more, to boil water. So gases are actually helping to cool off the heated surface of the Earth by convection method.
RAIN CYCLE - Obviously nature has another more effective mechanism as well, the rain cycle. Water has highest heat absorbing capacity, much higher than that of air or any gas, so rain cycle is more effective than air current to cool down Earth surface. We know it is cool when it rains. The rain cycle also works as convection current. We know rain pattern is changing and our surroundings are becoming hotter year-by-year.
After winning the fight against ‘global warming and climate change’ we want 1. Colder surrounding, 2.regular rain pattern as in the old comfortable weather, 3. Convenient water resources thus rich vegetation, easy irrigation and drinking water, 4 add ice on poles and mountains, 5. Recharge ground water and 6. Eventually lower sea level rise.
All those factors are related to only one phenomenon- the rain cycle. Thus reviving ‘rain cycle’ in a regular pattern near to old comfortable weather is the one and only solution to win the fight against the ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change’. Unfortunately we have disrupted the rain cycle too much by urbanization and deforestation because of the population growth. The ‘rain cycle needs lot of evaporation of water. As water vapor molecules go up, release heat they have absorbed from the surface of the Earth, become cold and condense as water droplets and come down as rain. Unfortunately, we have too much blocked evaporation process of water from the surface of the Earth by covering it with houses, roads, pavements etc. Deforestation caused land area drier and drier. Recharging of ground water is minimized as water used by people is also drained and added to sea. Much of rainwater is also drained to the sea. Recharging soil by rainwater is also reduced significantly. Evaporation of water from the surface of the Earth is reduced too much. Evaporation of water needs soils always wet and exposed to air so that it is evaporated as soon as the Sun heats the soil. Scattering of water on almost all the surface of the earth including vast area of deserts is necessary, like before the urbanization era, for enough evaporation so that rain cycle is not disrupted. Rain pattern is concentrated only in a short period of time of the year nowadays because we have blocked the evaporation system of nature. Enhancement of evaporation of water from the much wider surface of the Earth will naturally lower its temperature and boost rains, which will further lower the temperature of the Earth surface. Scattering of water on the surface of water must be made a culture of human beings using water resources as much as possible, not sparing even deserts. This is not a difficult task for the present capabilities of mankind. We have now infrastructures as well as technology to fulfill this task easily. Main source can be discharged water from the hydropower installations, which discharge immense quantity (I do not think that any body has calculated) of water every second. We can spread water by draining it from any higher places to lower land. This draining system of water can also be used for producing clean energy, hydroelectricity by installing hydropower stations in series along the same one water-supplying pipe. Installed turbines do not decrease power of running water through out the pipe while water is flowing, because of the fluid properties of water and the nature of the Gravitational Force of the Earth. The Earth is blessed with unlimited hydropower.
Hurricanes - Thirdly, when the rain cycle is disrupted and Earth’s surface becomes very hot, as nowadays we have to face hurricanes, which bring torrential rains and floods. This system of cooling by nature may be considered as the emergency measures to keep earth’s surface cool. This is the way we are having rains nowadays, but this also may not be for very long.
Conclusion - Thus boosting of evaporation of water from the surface of the Earth as widely as possible, from every inch of the earth surface, will set us free from the worry of the ‘global warming’ and ‘climate change’ for good. Rains will add snow on the mountains. Recharging of ground with water will store immense quantity of water back again. Both the phenomena will eventually lower the sea level. We should make spreading of water on the surface of the Earth as our instinct culture.
Explaining –“Turbines Do Not Decrease The Power Of The Running Water”
Turbines are designed to discharge the same quantity of water as is flowing through the water-supplying pipe. Because of the fluid properties of water and the nature of the gravitational force of the Earth, the running water throughout the given pipe has water pressure, rate of discharged water and the velocity of water etc constant. So the power available is also uniform throughout the pipe while water is running. Therefore, a turbine installed at any point between the intake and the outlet points of the pipe does not affect its efficiency or decrease its efficiency. Because the turbines are designed to discharge the same quantity of water as is discharged throughout the pipe, the turbine makes no changes in the rate of discharged water. So the other factors like velocity, pressure of water in the pipe are also not changed. Since there is no difference in those factors before and after the installation of a turbine means a number of more turbines can be installed in series along the same water-supplying pipe without decreasing their efficiency, as they make no changes in the available power of running water. Given the topography or landscape is favorable multiple turbines can be installed in between the intake and outlet of the same water supplying pipe without decreasing their efficiency. They do not make any reduction of power of the running water through out the given pipe while water is running. They are designed to discharge the same quantity of water as is running through the given pipe. So the same (existing as well) infrastructure of water supplying-pipe can run many more turbines in series making hydroelectricity far cheaper, easier, and faster than at present. This system of installation would not require hydro dams at all. Only run off type will do. So the intake point for water can be at the source where we can tap very clean water at the highest possible point as well as adding power of running water to the possible maximum level.
Dr. dev bahadur dongol Email: or
16 of 24 Overturning Global Warming
Overturning Global Warming
(Published in The Rising Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal. 25 June 2009,11 Asar 2065)
Dr. Dev Bahadur Dongol
We must do everything we can do to save our planet from global warming / climate change. Global warming has to do only with decreasing frequency of rain fall (not any other factors). The one and only way to reverse global warming is by restoring the frequency of rain cycle extended through out the year. Once restored like in old days, all the other factors will slowly correct themselves. This opportunity is at hand for us until the snow-capped mountains have snow on them. After that it will be impossible to restore the frequency of rain cycle. So we don’t have much time. Fortunately we have all the technology and infrastructure needed to develop network of water supply system to all the possible places already in practice and thus solve the climate change related problems. To restore the frequency of rain cycle all we need is to use them by making the conventional hydropower system easier, cheaper and more productive to start with. Hydropower installations discharge unbelievably immense quantity of water. Rain means colder earth, snow on mountains, easy reforestation or greenery, irrigation and drinking water, recharging ground water, and thus lower sea level rise eventually.
The rain cycle needs or requires a lot of evaporation of water from the surface of the earth. The sun can’t do it out of the seawater only. The one and only way to maximize evaporation is by spreading water on land as widely as possible as in old days. So we need to develop network of water supply system wherever possible so that water is available to keep all the possible land always wet. This way phenomena like forest or bush fire and sand storm can also be controlled appreciably. Water will then evaporate from the land of the whole world significantly, and thus frequency of rainfall will be restored considerably and quickly. The regular rainfall will reduce the temperature of the earth/ atmosphere, increase the population of plants and forests, and the cultivation of land will increase as well. Unfortunately vast area of land is becoming drier and drier every year, which is further reducing evaporation of water. Human settlements all over the world are covering the land by houses, road constructions, pavement etc. dropping evaporation of water. This process is on the increase every year, meaning worst to come yet. All the factors together have now become noteworthy to reduce frequency of rain cycle. All these activities demand a continuous supply of huge quantity of water across the world so that earth’s surface can be kept always wet. So we need a system that can perform this super duper mammoth task successfully. There are possible two ways. One, develop new network system for supplying water and secondly, use discharged water from the hydropower installations.
The cause of global warming is also referred to or are said to be related to many factors other than decreasing frequency of rainfall. Emission of CO2 or so called green house gases by human activity. No gases can be defined as green house gases, as fluids they can’t form green house. Deforestation, increasing dry land, little water for drinking and irrigation, snow on mountains, sea level rise etc are related to water and thus only with the rain cycle. The fight against global warming can be won by associating it with hydropower as one of the two ways to deliver water to all the possible land areas. Hydropower neither produces pollution of any kind nor uses any power other than water and the force of gravity. The more we use hydropower the less we will use other means of power like cooking gas, kerosene, wood, petroleum products, thus reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. Even we would not need nuclear power of electricity. Earth is blessed with limitless hydropower to harness unlimited hydroelectricity by simply changing turbine installation system in series without breaking the water column along the same one water supplying pipe, thus water enough to run one turbine can run multiple turbines. Installed turbines don’t decrease the power of running water because the source of power used is the gravitational force of the earth. That force can’t be reduced nor blocked nor diverted to other directions.
Another factor referred to behind the temperature rise is, though not correct, is the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causing the green house effect (which is impossible by gases). Gases can’t form a green house. Heat travels from higher temperature to lower temperature. Gases are helping the earth to cool down the earth by convection method of heat transmission. Heat reached up in the colder zone of earth’s atmosphere can’t come back down to the hotter zone, thus trapping of heat in the climatic atmosphere is ridiculous scientifically. Climatic atmosphere is not layered, it is a homogenous mixture. Layered atmosphere will have carbon dioxide just above the surface of the earth as it is the heaviest gas forcing the animals to die; we need oxygen to be alive.
Carbon dioxide is produced by human activities like burning any materials, consumption of or use of petroleum products and respiration by living beings - plants and animals. But plants also engage in the process of photosynthesis to consume the gas to make food that is consumed by the animals. So increasing the population of the plants can help reduce the gas. But then a lot of water is needed to increase the population of the plants. Clean power can decrease the use of other forms of energy, thus reducing the emission of carbon dioxide gas as well. Rainfall can reduce the temperature and increase the population of plants, which will reduce the global warming by consuming carbon dioxide gas (this cause is only assumption, not scientific) from the atmosphere. This way the so called carbon dioxide factor is also taken care, though it is not the proven real cause.
So by integrating hydropower to generate unlimited clean energy and its discharged water to spread over the land of the earth as much as possible, the problem of global warming and climate change related problems can be resolved in the nearest possible span of time for good and never again will occur power crisis and climate change in our civilization. Any hydropower undertaking must consider spreading water on land as far as possible and for drinking and irrigation purposes as well. So the draining of water to the desired places instead of discharging it freely through pipes connected with the turbines must be done seriously; besides, undertaking additional water supply system from any higher places to lower land.
(Published in The Rising Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal. 25 June 2009,11 Asar 2065)
Dr. Dev Bahadur Dongol
We must do everything we can do to save our planet from global warming / climate change. Global warming has to do only with decreasing frequency of rain fall (not any other factors). The one and only way to reverse global warming is by restoring the frequency of rain cycle extended through out the year. Once restored like in old days, all the other factors will slowly correct themselves. This opportunity is at hand for us until the snow-capped mountains have snow on them. After that it will be impossible to restore the frequency of rain cycle. So we don’t have much time. Fortunately we have all the technology and infrastructure needed to develop network of water supply system to all the possible places already in practice and thus solve the climate change related problems. To restore the frequency of rain cycle all we need is to use them by making the conventional hydropower system easier, cheaper and more productive to start with. Hydropower installations discharge unbelievably immense quantity of water. Rain means colder earth, snow on mountains, easy reforestation or greenery, irrigation and drinking water, recharging ground water, and thus lower sea level rise eventually.
The rain cycle needs or requires a lot of evaporation of water from the surface of the earth. The sun can’t do it out of the seawater only. The one and only way to maximize evaporation is by spreading water on land as widely as possible as in old days. So we need to develop network of water supply system wherever possible so that water is available to keep all the possible land always wet. This way phenomena like forest or bush fire and sand storm can also be controlled appreciably. Water will then evaporate from the land of the whole world significantly, and thus frequency of rainfall will be restored considerably and quickly. The regular rainfall will reduce the temperature of the earth/ atmosphere, increase the population of plants and forests, and the cultivation of land will increase as well. Unfortunately vast area of land is becoming drier and drier every year, which is further reducing evaporation of water. Human settlements all over the world are covering the land by houses, road constructions, pavement etc. dropping evaporation of water. This process is on the increase every year, meaning worst to come yet. All the factors together have now become noteworthy to reduce frequency of rain cycle. All these activities demand a continuous supply of huge quantity of water across the world so that earth’s surface can be kept always wet. So we need a system that can perform this super duper mammoth task successfully. There are possible two ways. One, develop new network system for supplying water and secondly, use discharged water from the hydropower installations.
The cause of global warming is also referred to or are said to be related to many factors other than decreasing frequency of rainfall. Emission of CO2 or so called green house gases by human activity. No gases can be defined as green house gases, as fluids they can’t form green house. Deforestation, increasing dry land, little water for drinking and irrigation, snow on mountains, sea level rise etc are related to water and thus only with the rain cycle. The fight against global warming can be won by associating it with hydropower as one of the two ways to deliver water to all the possible land areas. Hydropower neither produces pollution of any kind nor uses any power other than water and the force of gravity. The more we use hydropower the less we will use other means of power like cooking gas, kerosene, wood, petroleum products, thus reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. Even we would not need nuclear power of electricity. Earth is blessed with limitless hydropower to harness unlimited hydroelectricity by simply changing turbine installation system in series without breaking the water column along the same one water supplying pipe, thus water enough to run one turbine can run multiple turbines. Installed turbines don’t decrease the power of running water because the source of power used is the gravitational force of the earth. That force can’t be reduced nor blocked nor diverted to other directions.
Another factor referred to behind the temperature rise is, though not correct, is the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causing the green house effect (which is impossible by gases). Gases can’t form a green house. Heat travels from higher temperature to lower temperature. Gases are helping the earth to cool down the earth by convection method of heat transmission. Heat reached up in the colder zone of earth’s atmosphere can’t come back down to the hotter zone, thus trapping of heat in the climatic atmosphere is ridiculous scientifically. Climatic atmosphere is not layered, it is a homogenous mixture. Layered atmosphere will have carbon dioxide just above the surface of the earth as it is the heaviest gas forcing the animals to die; we need oxygen to be alive.
Carbon dioxide is produced by human activities like burning any materials, consumption of or use of petroleum products and respiration by living beings - plants and animals. But plants also engage in the process of photosynthesis to consume the gas to make food that is consumed by the animals. So increasing the population of the plants can help reduce the gas. But then a lot of water is needed to increase the population of the plants. Clean power can decrease the use of other forms of energy, thus reducing the emission of carbon dioxide gas as well. Rainfall can reduce the temperature and increase the population of plants, which will reduce the global warming by consuming carbon dioxide gas (this cause is only assumption, not scientific) from the atmosphere. This way the so called carbon dioxide factor is also taken care, though it is not the proven real cause.
So by integrating hydropower to generate unlimited clean energy and its discharged water to spread over the land of the earth as much as possible, the problem of global warming and climate change related problems can be resolved in the nearest possible span of time for good and never again will occur power crisis and climate change in our civilization. Any hydropower undertaking must consider spreading water on land as far as possible and for drinking and irrigation purposes as well. So the draining of water to the desired places instead of discharging it freely through pipes connected with the turbines must be done seriously; besides, undertaking additional water supply system from any higher places to lower land.
The key climate regulator or the decisive climate controller is the rain cycle. Water has the highest heat absorbing or heat holding capacity of all the matters on earth. 1gm of water needs one calorie of heat to raise its temperature through one degree centigrade. This is almost 8 times more than that of iron.
Both water and ice can be at zero degree centigrade. Ice at zero and water at zero, the difference is 80 calories of heat. It is called the latent heat of freezing. So we need to take 80 calories of heat from 1gm of water which is at zero degree, then water will turn into ice. To reverse the process we have to provide 80 calories of heat to 1gm of ice at zero to melt it into water of zero degree centigrade. Those 80 calories of heat means raising 80 degree centigrade of 1gm of water from zero to 79 degree centigrade, 21 calories more means that amount water will reach at boiling point but will not boil. We need to supply 560 calories of heat for each gram of water to make it to boil. Boiling is the process of converting of water into steam. Steam and water, both can be at 100 degree centigrade. Steam at 100 degree centigrade and water at 100 degree centigrade, difference is 560 calories. It is the latent heat of vaporization. In other words, providing 560 calories of heat to 1gm of water at 100 degree centigrade will convert it into steam. Reversing the process means taking out 560 calories of heat from the steam to convert steam into 1gm of water. This is the reason why it becomes immediately cold when it rains. Thus change of forms, liquid water to steam water needs huge amount of heat. 560 calories of heat can boil 56 gm of water at zero degree centigrade.
Similarly when we think of the amount of heat required in the process of vaporization we can easily calculate and be surprised how much heat is released to the space by the rain cycle. No other matter can do this miracle, not even by gases of our homogenous atmosphere though they are delivering heat from the earth to the space all the time. Space can take heat indefinitely. Space is always cold. Even our ozonosphere is 58 degree centigrade below zero. So we can easily imagine how cold the space could be, where there is no matter to hold heat.
We know the rain means colder atmosphere, good irrigation, abundant drinking water, snow on poles and mountains, recharging ground water; thus lower sea water level. So for evaporation we need to scatter water all over the earth to revive rain cycle. In other words take water back to the places where it came from. The nature’s way is the rain cycle. Rain cycle Maintains temperature on earth within a range.
Global warming has nothing to do with gas. So for global warming and climate change we can’t blame gases but ourselves, may be our way of life or our unscientific civilization.
Gases can’t form green house; it is impossible. Making of green house requires solid transparent materials like, plastics or glasses. So we can’t blame gases for green house effect, thus global warming. Heat is always transmitted from higher to lower temperature. Gases have freely moving molecules so do not remain layered. Our immediate atmosphere is a homogenous mixture. If layered at all CO¬¬¬2 would be the lower most layer and that means we are all dead. We need oxygen to be alive. Higher we go the immediate / climatic atmosphere is colder. Heat can’t return back from the colder front to hotter zone. Gases carry heat high up as convection current and by convection method of heat transmission it delivers heat from the hotter earth to the colder zone high up in the atmosphere where it is very cold. Although the process goes round the clock heat transfer is not enough to keep the earth cold comfortably. This is because the air is very very thin. 1cc of air has negligible mass in comparison to 1gm of water for the same volume. Similarly, rain cycle has no relationship with any gases or anything but evaporation from the surface of the earth, which occurs due to the heat of the sun. Evaporation takes up very large quantity of heat as I have shown the calculations above. Water has highest heat absorbing capacity, so it can lower temperature of any heated object drastically. It is the reason we use water to extinguish fire. If we one put one bucket of water in the sun it can’t evaporate even in weeks, but if we scatter on the surface of the earth that amount of water will evaporate in a matter of hour. So regular rain cycle by the evaporation of sea water or pond or river is not possible, though they can boost the rains during hot season or monsoon.
# We disrupted rain cycle by covering land with houses, pavements, roads etc
Deforestation, and creating deserted lands and vast stretches of deserts
So we must blame ourselves for global warming / climate change
Delivering water to wide areas of land as much as possible is the one and only way to solve the problems related to climate change. Solution is very easy now for the capabilities of mankind.
The key climate regulator or the decisive climate controller is the rain cycle. Water has the highest heat absorbing or heat holding capacity of all the matters on earth. 1gm of water needs one calorie of heat to raise its temperature through one degree centigrade. This is almost 8 times more than that of iron.
Both water and ice can be at zero degree centigrade. Ice at zero and water at zero, the difference is 80 calories of heat. It is called the latent heat of freezing. So we need to take 80 calories of heat from 1gm of water which is at zero degree, then water will turn into ice. To reverse the process we have to provide 80 calories of heat to 1gm of ice at zero to melt it into water of zero degree centigrade. Those 80 calories of heat means raising 80 degree centigrade of 1gm of water from zero to 79 degree centigrade, 21 calories more means that amount water will reach at boiling point but will not boil. We need to supply 560 calories of heat for each gram of water to make it to boil. Boiling is the process of converting of water into steam. Steam and water, both can be at 100 degree centigrade. Steam at 100 degree centigrade and water at 100 degree centigrade, difference is 560 calories. It is the latent heat of vaporization. In other words, providing 560 calories of heat to 1gm of water at 100 degree centigrade will convert it into steam. Reversing the process means taking out 560 calories of heat from the steam to convert steam into 1gm of water. This is the reason why it becomes immediately cold when it rains. Thus change of forms, liquid water to steam water needs huge amount of heat. 560 calories of heat can boil 56 gm of water at zero degree centigrade.
Similarly when we think of the amount of heat required in the process of vaporization we can easily calculate and be surprised how much heat is released to the space by the rain cycle. No other matter can do this miracle, not even by gases of our homogenous atmosphere though they are delivering heat from the earth to the space all the time. Space can take heat indefinitely. Space is always cold. Even our ozonosphere is 58 degree centigrade below zero. So we can easily imagine how cold the space could be, where there is no matter to hold heat.
We know the rain means colder atmosphere, good irrigation, abundant drinking water, snow on poles and mountains, recharging ground water; thus lower sea water level. So for evaporation we need to scatter water all over the earth to revive rain cycle. In other words take water back to the places where it came from. The nature’s way is the rain cycle. Rain cycle Maintains temperature on earth within a range.
Global warming has nothing to do with gas. So for global warming and climate change we can’t blame gases but ourselves, may be our way of life or our unscientific civilization.
Gases can’t form green house; it is impossible. Making of green house requires solid transparent materials like, plastics or glasses. So we can’t blame gases for green house effect, thus global warming. Heat is always transmitted from higher to lower temperature. Gases have freely moving molecules so do not remain layered. Our immediate atmosphere is a homogenous mixture. If layered at all CO¬¬¬2 would be the lower most layer and that means we are all dead. We need oxygen to be alive. Higher we go the immediate / climatic atmosphere is colder. Heat can’t return back from the colder front to hotter zone. Gases carry heat high up as convection current and by convection method of heat transmission it delivers heat from the hotter earth to the colder zone high up in the atmosphere where it is very cold. Although the process goes round the clock heat transfer is not enough to keep the earth cold comfortably. This is because the air is very very thin. 1cc of air has negligible mass in comparison to 1gm of water for the same volume. Similarly, rain cycle has no relationship with any gases or anything but evaporation from the surface of the earth, which occurs due to the heat of the sun. Evaporation takes up very large quantity of heat as I have shown the calculations above. Water has highest heat absorbing capacity, so it can lower temperature of any heated object drastically. It is the reason we use water to extinguish fire. If we one put one bucket of water in the sun it can’t evaporate even in weeks, but if we scatter on the surface of the earth that amount of water will evaporate in a matter of hour. So regular rain cycle by the evaporation of sea water or pond or river is not possible, though they can boost the rains during hot season or monsoon.
# We disrupted rain cycle by covering land with houses, pavements, roads etc
Deforestation, and creating deserted lands and vast stretches of deserts
So we must blame ourselves for global warming / climate change
Delivering water to wide areas of land as much as possible is the one and only way to solve the problems related to climate change. Solution is very easy now for the capabilities of mankind.
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